Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr And Hungry F.

Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
Why Noble Gases don't have EN values?
Why Fluorine has the highest EN?

1. Francium is the biggest element because it has 7 shells.

2. Helium is the smallest element because it has a very high ionization energy level but with an electron affinity less than zero.

3. Noble gases don't have EN values because they have full valance shells and there is no need for them to attract another atom to form a pair of bonding electrons.

4. Because from the periodic table going from left to right, it gets harder to increase the an attraction between the nuclear charge and outer electrons. So therefore across the periodic table more electronegativity energy is required to remove those electrons. And Fluorine is highest and farthest to the right.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


1. My Name: It is Cobalto in Italian, Kobolt in Swedish, and Kobalt in Dutch. The word Cobalt, came from the German word "Kobald" meaning goblin or evil spirit.

2. My Image: 

3: My Nucleus: Cobalt has 27 neutrons and 27 protons. My natural occuring isotope is 59%. And my atomic mass is 58. 933195.

4. My electrons:  I have 27 electrons in my neutral atom, and I have 15 electrons in my third shell.

5: My atom: I have 135 pm, which is 1.35x10 (to the power of -10)

6: My properties: I'm rather hard and brittle, I appear in the form of ore, and i am quite heavy (:

7: My home (body, plant, universe): My body is 8.90 grams, my abundance in earth's crust is 17,000 tons.

8. My beautiful compounds:   

9. My story: Minerals containing me, were of value to the early civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia for colouring glass deep blue. I was announced to be a element by George Brandt in 1739. He had been trying to demonstrate that the blue colour of glass was because of a new element, me (: rather than bismuth.

10. My jobs:  I am an integral part of vitamin B12, which is vital to the formation of red blood cells, and I am currently being used in biomedic research for cancer treatment methods.

11: A funny story about me?: I don't know if you would exactly call this funny but...I got the name Cobalt from the origin of Kobalt-meaning evil spirit, because back then miners, thought the metal part in me was poisinous. Hahaha..that didnt sound too funny..

12: Reference:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome to my blog, again. Haha enjoy (:

WHAT I LOVE: I love texting, talking on the phone, being with my friends/family, singing, reading, and dancing.

WHAT I DREAM TO ACCOMPLISH: Umm i have a few. After highschool, i wanna go to a college in New York. But with my grades...I don't think that's happening. But i would love to get a job, and hopefully one day have a family of my own.

WELCOME TO MY BLOG, MR. OLSEN! youll like it.